Thursday, June 16, 2011

TAKE ACTION: Ask Canadian government to support G20 action on food prices to avoid increased hunger

From Make Poverty History:

One in seven people in the world now go to bed hungry every night. Recent food prices could make the crisis even worse.

There is a crucial meeting of Agricultural Ministers from the G20 countries later this month that could take steps to avoid a disaster.

Please join in supporting an online action sponsored by Oxfam Canada by sending an email to Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, calling on him to show leadership at these meetings, and to push for four key policies:

1. Support regional emergency food reserves as a way to build resilience to food price shocks

2. Insist on greater transparency regarding food stocks to curb food price speculation

3. Improve regulation of commodity futures markets to limit excessive speculation  

4. Phase out incentives to use food for fuel

Movement on these four issues could make a real difference to nearly a billion hungry people around the world.

click here and send Minister Ritz a message: Canadians want action on world hunger.

For more information on the global food crisis check out the new Oxfam International publication:
Growing a Better Future.

Thank you so much for your time and participation.

Dennis Howlett
National Coordinator, Make Poverty History

To read more about this issue, here's a press release from Oxfam:
Rising food prices are changing what we eat

The meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers is taking place in Paris, France on June 22nd & 23rd
French ag minister outlines plans for G20 meeting