Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another news flash on the Commission for Review of Social Assistance in Ontario

Another news flash on the Commission for Review of Social Assistance in Ontario
I just got an email from ISARC with the list of 11 cities that will be included in the Commission review this summer: 
List of Cities and dates (where known)
Windsor (June 28)
Hamilton (July 4)
Niagara (July 5)
Toronto (being negotiated for early-mid July)
Peterborough (July 13)
Peel (July 25)
London (which we know is June 29th)Ottawa
Thunder Bay
Led by Frances Lankin and Munir A. Sheikh, the Commission is charged with examining social assistance in Ontario through engagement, research and analysis to provide the government with a concrete action plan to improve the system for the people who need it.