Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Peoples Blueprint -- Real Voices for Real Change

Real Voices for Real Change
"The Peoples Blueprint is a unique and empowered group of men and women with lived experience of poverty and all it brings with it.  Isolation, depression, constant anxiety and pressure, they have know it all.  As a group they learned leadership and peer research skills and conducted over 100 video recorded research interviews that demonstrate the hopes, challenges, and abilities of people living on social assistance in an intensely personal way.  Problems with the social assistance system as identified by people experiencing it, as well as areas in which reform should take place are presented in these videos.  The goal of this project is to change social assistance in Ontario for the better." – March 6, 2010An investment that would pay off by Mark Sussman – January 29, 2010
Welfare reviewed by those who know by Sima Dini

Caledon Institute of Social Policy – January 2011
People’s Review Panel:Getting the Ontario Social Assistance Review issues straight… from people with lived experience of poverty