Using positive quotes and affirmations can be a powerful addition to any self improvement program. There are numerous studies showing how powerful these techniques can be. So why aren't you doing them?
Why do positive quotes and affirmations work so well? Well for most adults the overwhelming majority of our thoughts are negative. We didn't always have such negative thoughts, as children we mostly had positive thoughts. Look at the children you know, the majority are happy and have positive thoughts, while the majority of adults we know have negative thoughts.
This is why positive quotes and affirmations can be so powerful in our lives. They give us the positive thoughts that we need to take our lives to the next level. By constantly telling ourselves great things and reminding ourselves about what we want to accomplish it is like we have a map leading directly to our goals.
If you aren't using positive quotes and affirmations daily to improve your life and help you accomplish your goals, start today. Come up with some quotes and affirmations that inspire you and repeat them three times everyday to your self, until you accomplish what you want.
By incorporating positive quotes and affirmations into your self improvement program you can make achieving your goals more automatic. How? Habits are formed usually after 21 consecutive days of doing something. So if you can just keep this part of your program up for 21 days you will be automatically reminding yourself everyday about what and why you want to accomplish your goals.
Positive quotes and sayings are a great way to help you achieve a positive state of mind. If you repeat a positive saying over and over in your thoughts or aloud, you will feel positive and empowered.
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A relatively easier way to gain access to positive thinking quotes is to get yourself a good quotation reference book. These types of books are available in almost every major bookstore, and contain compilations of popular, proven and time tested sayings. A lot of these books have the quotations arranged systematically in various categories such as theme and author name. Thus, using a quotation reference book allows you to easily find the perfect quote that fits your unique situation. It's also a good way to add spice to your communication skills. For example, if you're aspiring to become an effective public speaker, you can use positive quotes to inspire your audience and finish your speeches on a high note.
When reading positive thinking quotes, don't just skim through them and finish them in a hurry. The power of positive quotes is not in the words used, but in how you comprehend those words and assimilate them into your subconscious. Your mind will benefit more if you take time to internalize positive ideas. If possible, learn and discover the background story behind every quotation. This will add more meaning to the nuggets of motivation you are reading. For example, a lot of people are familiar with the saying, "I can't accept failure without trying". But if you're aware that the person who originally said those words is Michael Jordan, and you're fully aware of the challenges and circumstances that he faced in his career, the quotation would have a deeper meaning to you. That's why it's important to read quotes and sayings intently, in between the lines.