Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Great Logos

A logo is the icon which represents a company or its creation. Its purpose is to form a unforgettable, identifiable impression on the intellect of a prospective buyer or client. A logo is in essence at the spirit of a corporate individuality.

Therefore what is a good logo? Most people would reply "I immediately know it when I see it!" and this cannot be denied that a first glance makes a big impression from the beginning. A good logo catches the eye in an instant. It makes the onlooker inquisitive or connected, if only for a little while. It is a moment in which an image and the being of your business are fixed in the mind. But even if a good logo 'just is', there are essentials for making it happen and we will look at some of those.

Once a form for the logo has been defined, color needs to be well thought-out. Once more, color for a logo should remain undemanding. You can always get imaginative with the web version; however a good logo must work well in a single color and gradients of that color. The color should enhance and maintain the outline of the logo - for instance, an assortment of shades of blue on the sides of a 3D box should be the same as they would in real life.

Contrast is an additional influential idea in the designing of logos - you can contrast size, color, fonts, and textures - to create visual significance. Even so, the most important thing about logos is that they should be simple as well as conceptual and easily recognizable by the general public.

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos

Great Logos
Great Logos