Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ontario Child Benefit & Other tax related information - A note from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services

Good Afternoon,

We are contacting you to help us ensure low-income families are aware of the Ontario Child Benefit and what they may need to do to access it.

Ontario is working to break the cycle of poverty by removing barriers and creating opportunities to help Ontarians achieve their full potential and contribute to a prosperous and healthy Ontario.
As part of Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Ontario Child Benefit is an Ontario government program to help low-income families provide for their children. 

When the program is fully implemented in 2013, eligible families can receive up to $1,310 per child annually.

Attached is information about the Ontario Child Benefit and other tax related information.  We encourage you to use this information to display or distribute to your members or clients. 

If you maintain a website or produce a newsletter or other communication to your clients or members, we encourage you to include this information as an attachment or copied into your materials as well as these helpful links:

Thank you.

Ministry of Children and Youth Services